15 Picture Challenge!

/ Agustus 11, 2015 /
heyya, folks.
setelah lama cuman ngisi blog sama tulisan-tulisan ga penting, curhatan-curhatan yang ga jelas, kayaknya hidup semakin monoton (plsss) so here i am doing 15 picture challenge. pengen pos gambar doang, tapi i cant help but add some sugar text on my favorite things in the world weheheheh

day 01 - a picture of yourself with ten facts

  1. mahasiswa semester tiga. yeaaaa, am on sophomore year babyyyy!
  2. uda hilang hitungan berapa orang yang bilang, "masih smp, ya?"
  3. bisa tidur 14++ jam. pernah begadang nonton kdrama sampe subuh, abis itu baru tidur. mama pulang kerja jam tiga sore, buka pintu kamar... MASIH TIDUR.
  4. my eyes are swollen so easily like, when i got a good cry, the after effect is not people reacted in a way "are you crying last night?" it is more like "wtf is happen to your eyes" seriously it is fcking awful.
  5. i like people with innocent appearance
  6. nggak percaya sama (sifat berdasarkan) golongan darah atau sama zodiak. seriussss wee, tujuh triliun orang di bumi dan kita kategorisasi sifatnya jadi 4 atau 12? impossible.
  7. my favorite features: eyes (soalnya mataku besar, tapi pernah ada yang bilang kebesaran kayak alien ;_; how rude!) fingers (pendek-pendek dan jelek, tapi pernah ada yang bilang lucu kayak jarinya bayi) eyebrows (i think my natural eyebrows slayyyy)
  8. gapunya warna favorit. sepanjang itu pastel, ga masalah mau merah ijo biru kuning jingga violet.
  9. i'm afraid to accept the act that i can't go out of home without feeling like looking 10/10
  10. mie instan favorit: abc pedas rasa sup merah

day 02 - a picture of the cast from your favorite show 

jujuurrr, nonton i remember you karena d.o main disana. akting d.o bagus, tetep cute walaupun jadi psikopat wkwkw, seo inguk cakep~ ceritanya kerenn.

tapi gabisa munafik. bertahan nonton 80% gara gara park bogum!

day 03 - a screenshot of your wallpaper

day 04 - a picture of your favorite band or artist

day 05 - a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without  

day 06 - a picture of something you want to do before you die 

day 07 - a picture of someone who inspires you  

"the universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."

(my favorite kind of senpai.)

day 08 - a picture of somewhere you'd love to travel 

*sigh* #visitmaldives2030

day 09 - a picture of your sibling(s)

day 10 - a picture of something you wish you were better at 

pengen jago main piano.

(tapi, banyak sih sebenernya.)

sebagai orang yang payah, kalo ditanya "pengen lebih baik dalam bidang apa?" oh, banyak. main musik, olahraga, masak, ngelukis, ngedance (? biar bisa battle dance sama jongin bahahah) nyanyi, ngelucu, nulis, bahkan matematika.

day 11 - a picture of your favorite book 

day 12 - a picture of something you make yourself 

day 13 - a picture of your favorite beverage

day 14 - a picture of your celebrity crush 

dylan o'brien being a hot nerd. give me this and i give up on my life, living in the jungle with llama and alpaca

day 15 - a picture of your favorite movie character

shinichi kudo is so precious<3 I wish we could get human version of him..

1 komentar:

{ Nyindir } on: 13 Oktober 2015 pukul 20.57 mengatakan... Balas

Selamat siang Mba Sheila, kami dari Nyindir.com ingin mengajak Anda bergabung dengan kami sebagai Author/Penulis. Apakah Mba tertarik? mungkin untuk ngobrol-ngobrol mba bisa menghubungi email saya Nisaalfarizi@gmail.com. Terimakasih

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