Jadi ceritanya, lagi browsing dan ternyata lagu Maroon 5 sumpaaaah enak-enak dan banyak lagu yang galau. Suaranya Adam Levine, gilaa, adorable and sexy banget. Sukaa.
Ini playlist Maroon 5 malem ini! Love it. Langsung download dengan klik judul!

My favorite line from Nothing Lasts Forever:
But nothing lasts forever, but be honest babe
It hurts but it may be the only way

My favorite line from Beautiful Goodbye:
And now I'm kissing your tears goodnight
And I can't take it, you're even perfect when you cry

My favorite line from Sad:
Oh, but I'm scared to death
That there may not be another one like this

My favorite line from Misery:
Girl you really got me bad, you really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back, gonna get you back

My favorite line from Just A Feeling:
Obsessed depressed at the same time
I can't even walk in a straight line

My favorite line from She Will Be Loved:
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved

My favorite line from The Man Who Never Lied:
Laughing at each other, laughing at each other, like oh oh oh
It isn't funny anymore, oh oh

My favorite line from Must Get Out:
I'm not giving up, I'm making your love
This city's made us crazy and we must get out
Yaa, ternyata lagu Maroon 5 nggak ngebeat semua kan? Yang galau aja bejibun *tunjuk atas
Have you downloaded it yet? Dari tujuh delapan lagu itu, mungkin yang paling aku suka lagu Sad, terutama karena suara Adam cuma diiringi sama piano x) But I'm scaaaared to death... lol.
3 komentar:
The Man Who Never Lied bagus tuh, gue sukaaaa :3
salam kenal yaa :))
main ke blog aku kalo sempet ;)
Blognya bagus. jadi pengen download semua lagu maroon 5 deh. Yang paling gue suka itu she will beloved, daylight, never gonna leave these bed, the man who never lied, sama love somebody
untuk link downloadnya ada di sini juga gan. tapi ini lagu kpop semua bankmusic link kumpulan lagu ballad
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