Date A Girl Who Reads.

/ Agustus 06, 2013 /


I need you to read this piece of cutie letter from a girl who loves to read and feel they are most loveable and adorable person on the Earth and I'm just like... thank you!!

Quite amazing, isn't it?

Date a girl who reads Robert Frost and Edgar Allan Poe. Date a girl who makes you a poem. Date a girl who will talk to you the way a book would do to her. Date a girl who loves to describe you like the paragraph and sentences do to her. Date a girl who writes about no one but you. Date a girl who would rather sit and read than sit and smoke weed. Date a girl who read every poem and every quote containing word 'you' and directly picture you in her head. Date a girl who loves books' smell between pages. Date a girl who loves words.

That's from me. Not Uquico's one.

Duh. Nighty, people. I love you and I love words. But that doesn't mean you have to love me. I don't mean you to date me, neither. It isn't like I desperately need a date or what. I mean, you always think you'll end up hate that girl with a big thicky smelly horribly book, but trust me.. DATE HER. I once found a guy who thinks girls read books are the sexiest and I'm just like... Lord! Marry me? xD

I'm kiddin'. I mean, whatsoever. 
XOXO, chey.

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