Now that's what we call a mistake.

/ April 16, 2013 /
Easily fall for someone is a mistake. :')

That's what I exactly wrote on my mobile note. Easily fall for someone is a mistake. Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. We make mistake every single day of our lives, but fall for someone stupid is a big mistake. Fall for someone stupid and hope him to do the same is a bigger mistake. But easily fall for cute sentences, little praises, just few days texting, and then tell your bestfriend along is an EPIC mistake. And idiot, actually.


Nah, gimana kalo lo juga baca?
Asdfghjkl banget tau nggak saat seseorang bilang dia suka kamu (not exactly what he said, but... hey, no difference!), lalu dia ngilang gitu aja.
Sementara kamu uda terlanjur suka sama dia.

Sadly, that was what exactly happen to me.
What-so-ever, but...
I do miss him.

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